The U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit in Boston issued a decision Friday, saying the hospital violated Maine's equal pay law by paying psychologist Dr. Clare Mundell less than her male psychologist colleagues. Mundell will receive $180,955, which is backpay multiplied by three.
"It's everything we wanted," Mundell's attorney David Webbert said. "Dr. Mundell really wanted to create a precedent that would help other women that were getting unfairly underpaid."
"It's bad for business to discriminate against talented women, and they need to get that in their heads," Webbert said. "I don't want to work somewhere where the women are treated as second class citizens. I'm not going to work there. You're driving away a lot of the talent pool if you come across by being backward in your views of equal opportunity."
Read the full Bangor Daily News article here.